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A four-day mushroom production training program has been organized from 19 to 22 December for the college students for mushroom production with minimum investment for the empowerment of women by the Department of Microbiology at Government Mata Karma Girls College, Mahasamund. On this occasion, program coordinator and department head Dr. Swetlana Nagal provided information about mushrooms to the students.
Dr. Nagar said in his statement that mushroom is a fungus which is used as a tasty and nutritious vegetable, it has low amount of carbohydrates and fat and high level properties like abundant amount of protein, mineral salts and vitamins. |It can be easily grown on paddy straw and wheat straw etc. without soil. The appropriate temperature for this is 22-30 °C and humidity 80-90 °C. It has three types - Button, Paddy Straw, Dhingri.
Apart from being eaten, mushrooms are also used as medicine in our country. They have anti-cancer, anti-diabetic, anti-oxidant and immune system enhancing properties. On this occasion, microbiology professor Mr. Khageshwar Naurange told the students that the state government is giving 50 percentage subsidy to unemployed youth for mushroom cultivation.
 Ms. Prerna Kapse janbhagidari teacher trained 15 college students on the process of preparing spawn for oyster mushroom production through chemical method. National Service Scheme Unit Program Officer Dr. Saraswati Verma explained the importance of mushrooms as a means of livelihood for rural women in eliminating malnutrition. The College principal Dr s.b Kumar congratulations all the participants for upskilling youth for livelihood.All the professors and staff of the college were present on this occasion